With the latest updates, our Virtual Events Platform becomes even more engaging

Blog Post
In today's fast-paced world of virtual events, it's critical that event managers have the tools at their fingertips to make their events efficient and engaging. We are pleased to announce that our Virtual Events Platform is loaded with exciting new features that take event management and attendee interaction to a new level.
Table of contents

Improved Attendee Management:

One focus of our recent updates has been on streamlining attendee management. Event managers can now easily register and manage attendees. Improved attendee management also includes a streamlined module for sending emails to registered attendees at an event: you can now schedule them and save multiple email templates for your convenience, unlike before when you could only work with one email at a time.

These new features help event managers use their time and resources more efficiently, and are especially handy for complex events with many active break-out rooms and customized content.

Real-time interaction with the Q&A module:

We know how important interaction between organizers and attendees is at virtual events. That’s why we’ve introduced a new Q&A module that encourages real-time communication. Attendees can now ask questions, provide feedback, and engage in dialogue as if they were in a physical room. This creates a more interactive and engaging atmosphere and improves the overall experience for everyone involved.

The benefits of our new features at a glance:

  • Efficient attendee management: simplify attendee registration and management to save time and resources
  • Real-time interactive communication: The Q&A module enables lively conversations and encourages active participation from attendees
  • Seamless user experience: our platform is optimized to meet the needs of event managers and attendees alike

Whether you’re organizing conferences, training sessions, or workshops, our platform is designed to make your life easier and ensure your attendees have an enriching experience.

Virtual & hybrid event platform

Easier access to events thanks to enhanced multilingual support.

The Virtual Events Platform now offers automatic translation of your event into multiple languages. This enhancement allows event managers to tailor their audience’s experience based on their language preference to ensure better access to content.

Customizable fields include:

  • Lobby Description
  • Session Title
  • Session descriptions
  • Speaker biographies

Once activated, an automatic translation is provided in the selected languages and can be further customized to be exactly tailored to your audience in each country. This provides the opportunity to make the content even more accessible and usable.

Are you looking for inspiration on how to make your event even more exciting?

At movingimage, we use the Virtual Events platform, as shown in the image below. This allows us to hold the main event on the main live stage and host lots of other in-depth content before and after the event.

This makes the event experience much more in-depth and the interaction with attendees more valuable.

Want to learn more?

Contact us and we’ll provide you with a comprehensive demo based on your needs!

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