CSR: Portrait of Rami Rihawi

When the chancellor appeared…
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    Rami Rihawi fled from Syria to Berlin in 2015. There, with the help of the ReDi School, he was able to realize his career aspirations as a developer - in the digital lab of the steel trader Klöckner. In this Corporate Social Responsibility video, we tell his story.
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    In order to tell Rami's exciting vita, we decided on a tour video: This way, the viewer not only casually gets to know the company and the daily work routine. Of course, the viewer is also up close and personal with Rami, whose behavior appears particularly authentic when it comes to spontaneous interactions with employees. Rami's career highlight to date also forms the climax of the film: a meeting with the chancellor!
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    Rami makes quite an impression with his quick wit and infectious energy. And you can sense that he feels in good hands at Klöckner. On Facebook, it was the company's most-viewed video, and Klöckner's CEO Gisbert Rühl liked it so much that he sent it to the chancellor again personally.