Union Investment

How to efficiently train your sales force with video and reach employees and customers around the world via livestreaming

Video as an all-rounder in corporate communication

Union Investment is one of Germany’s largest investment fund companies with 5.7 million clients worldwide. The company is spread across many different head offices and employs 4,000 people. The cross-location communication process and project coordination pose a major challenge. The sales staff at the partner banks in particular need to be supplied with a lot of information in order to be able to provide comprehensive advice to clients.

That’s why Union Investment has been relying on movingimage’s reliable video solutions since 2015, which enable the company to optimise internal and external communication and set up new video projects.

Martina Herak Quote

The Challenge

Train employees, communicate with customers and drive projects forward

Union Investment offers over 1,349 funds and products. Distribution is handled by 840 partner banks. The information on this broad product portfolio and the changing offers must be communicated quickly and easily to the bank employees at various locations. In addition, the advisors need further information on the current market situation as well as convincing video assets that they can present to the clients in conversation. Events with a high external impact should also be implemented regularly in order to inform clients and attract interested parties..

Another challenge is internal communication. The more than 4,000 employees are spread across several locations in Germany and need to be regularly informed about the latest developments in the company, whereby it is almost impossible as well as enormously cost-intensive to hold regular physical events. In addition, the teams have to collaborate with each other across locations and drive projects forward.

The Solution

Using video as an all-rounder for corporate communications

Union Investment recognised the benefits of video communication early on and has relied on movingimage’s video solutions since 2015.

Specifically VideoManager Pro is used as a backend and as a central and clear management location for all video assets. From there, the videos can be easily shared and embedded in existing IT environments through integrations.

CorporateTube, on the other hand, is used as a YouTube-like video gallery. Here, for example, employees can consume videos and, if desired by the company, upload, edit and rate content themselves. The user interface is intuitive and can be operated without training. The front end can also be designed according to the company’s own corporate design specifications.

UIT CorpTube

The movingimage Webcast, on the other hand, is used for broadcasting events. The livestreaming tool can also be customised in the company’s own corporate design and includes interactive features for audience involvement with Q&A or chat modules.

The Result

Optimised sales enablement processes and creation of digital proximity

By hosting the video assets in a central and clear location, Union Investment can reduce the administrative effort and thus save time and resources. Thanks to DSGVO compliance, an ISO27001-compliant infrastructure and granular rights and role assignments, the sensitive data is protected from unauthorised access.

Investment TV was launched for the advisors of the partner banks. In this video portal, they can access information about the Union Investment portfolio, as well as market assessments, explanatory videos and campaign films, from anywhere and use dedicated assets for advisory meetings. The portal digitises the training process and optimises sales performance.

More information on Investment TV can be found here:

UniTube, an internal video portal by employees for employees, was introduced as part of the social intranets in order to connect employees at different locations more closely. The tool is used for corporate communication, video tutorials and project communication and creates digital proximity and connectivity across departments and locations.

Union Investment has also found a new solution for hosting events. Many physical events are now being replaced by webcats, which can be streamed to thousands of employees and clients worldwide. The digital formats can optimise internal and external communication, minimise costs and reduce the carbon footprint.

Future Plans

Drive employee-generated content and train employees via e-learning

Union Investment already uses video in many areas, but the company wants to expand its video strategy further.

For the internal video platform UniTube, the topic of employee-generated video content is to be pushed forward and employees are to be further encouraged to record and upload clips.

In addition, the company wants to open up a completely new area: e-learning. Videos are to become an essential part of the learning programme so that employees can learn new skills and further their education.

It has already been scientifically proven that videos have great learning effects. By addressing different senses, learners can find their way around more quickly than if a topic is only dealt with in text form, for example. Likewise, thanks to videos on demand, learners can determine their own learning speed, as they can stop the video, rewind it or even watch it several times.

movingimage is looking forward to continuing to support Union Investment in its upcoming video projects.

Key business outcomes and benefits

  • Reduced administration effort by hosting the video assets on a central platform.
  • Optimised sales training by providing informative video assets in a video gallery
  • Create digital proximity between employees by introducing an internal video portal as part of the social intranet
  • Saving costs by replacing physical events with livestreams

Featured solutions and services

  • Videomanager Pro – Our video content management system for uploading, editing and publishing videos with integrations into existing IT environments.
  • CorporateTube – Our intuitive video gallery for uploading, viewing and rating videos.
  • movingimage Webcast – Our streaming solution for live video in best quality – secure and reliable. Ideal for internal as well as external communication.

About Union Investment

As part of the cooperative FinanzGruppe, the company offers solutions for private clients, institutional clients and real estate clients. Since 1956, it has stood for partnership and professionalism in the fund business – for investors and shareholders.