with Videos

We improve your image!

We support you in image marketing with videos. We produce films that present the unique selling points of your company, service or product in the best possible way. In doing so, we take our cue from the latest social media spots and storytelling trends. So we always keep an eye on the ever-evolving viewer behavior. But one motto has been with us for a long time: The snappier the story, the better!

Brillux: Cinema commercial

The Brillux slogan “More than color” gave us the idea for the concept. The cinema spot celebrates life as a firework of colors. It ran for several weeks in all major multiplexes across Germany. A nice side effect was that the song composed especially for the spot became a hit on YouTube.

Berlin Institute of Health: Image video

Here, the vision “We are working on the future of medicine” was to be translated into emotional images. Time was tight and the budget did not allow for elaborate filming, so we decided on a montage out of stock footage – well researched, and full of ideas!

Maritim Hotels: Social Media videos

The hotel chain wanted to make its brand even better known and make an impact on social media. For this purpose, we produced three series formats that present the special features of Maritim in an entertaining and humorous way. An animated fun fact series “The incredible truth” shot in Instagram’s 4:3 ratio was among them.

Image video VideoManager Pro

A film for our own company about VideoManager Pro. The film communicates the functionality in an understandable way and at the same time improves the brand. The synthesis of explanatory product film and brand-enhancing image film, of information and emotion, won the BCP Award in gold and double silver at the FOX Awards.