Video Trendstudie 2022

Videostreaming bei STIHL Pros: Gute Performance, Bedienbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit Cons: Kein Export von Reports und Analytics für andere Zwecke.
We like!!! Overall: The experience is mostly very positive. The service is not very fast and can rarely give a direct answer to Virtual Events. Pros: The software is simple and almost intuitive to use. It offers almost all meaningful functionalities needed for Virtual Event >1,000 participants. Cons: Polls do not work reliably in the software. There are better solutions on the market and not only those from miro. Many providers have their own well-functioning solutions, which are then also connected with the other tools.
Rundum-Paket für viele Video Use Cases Pros: Die EVP Suite deckt ein breites Spektrum an Video Use Cases ab: Von Videoverwaltung über On-Demand Streaming, Live-Streaming, Videoportale als auch User Generated Video-Content. Die Anwendungen sind insgesamt sehr benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv zu bedienen. Unsere Nutzer kommen damit sehr gut zurecht. Cons: Die Integration mit den unternehmenseigenen Systemen gestaltet sich bei bestimmten Use Cases etwas schwierig. Es fehlt manchmal der Blick auf den Gesamtkontext über den eigenen Tellerrand hinaus.
Toll für alle Bereiche der Videokommunikation (live und on-demand) Pros: Alle im Unternehmen eingesetzten Komponenten sind intuitiv zu bedienen und werden kontinuierlich von movingimage weiterentwickelt. Die Wiedergabequalität der Videoinhalte ist durchweg gut. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die umfassenden Sicherheitsfunktionen um unternehmenseigene Videos zu schützen. Der Support ist erstklassig und reagiert umgehend bei Fragen oder auftretenden Problemen.
Cons: Schön wäre die Möglichkeit im VideoManager Pro selbst Übersichten über alle hochgeladenen Videos zu generieren.
Review of usage of Virtual Events Pros: Everything what is needed to set up an event is available. You can create a complete conference with get-together, private rooms and so on Cons: It should be possible to swith the content on the main stage more easily. From Video- Stream to conference and back to stream.
professionals video base Pros: We appreciate the usability, which ist easy to understand for every new colleague.
Cons: We do not remember any really bad point.
Voll und ganz zufrieden! Pros: Übersichtlich und leicht im Umgang. Eine super Möglichkeit, um eigene Videos und Podcasts in guter Streaming-Qualität und im selbst dafür kreierten Player bereit zu stellen. Die Statistiken ermöglichen zudem immer einen Einblick, welche Inhalte wie gut beim Zuschauer ankommen.
Cons: Ab und an kommt es mal zu längeren Upload-Zeiten.
Solides Video-Hosting Overall: Bin sehr zufrieden. Pros: Sehr gute Performance unserer Videos weltweit. Auch in Mexico laden die Videos innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Cons: Nach der letzten Migration auf MS Azure innerhalb von MI24 gab es einige Probleme auf unserer Seite. Aber das sollte für die Zukunft hoffentlich keine Rolle mehr spielen.
Gutes Komplettpaket für alle Video / Streaming Anwengungen Pros: Gute, zuverlässige Streamingqualität, flexibel konfigurier und Einsetzbar, einfach zu bedienen.
Cons: Es gibts nichts negatives zu sagen, die Software hat uns Rundherum überzeugt.
Zuverlässig und sehr benutzerfreundlich Overall: Die Videos Suite ist die zentrale Plattform bei uns, um Videos in verschiedenen Kontexten (LMS, Intranet, Extranet etc. ) zu distribuieren.
Pros: Der Videomanager ist sehr übersichtlich und es gibt dadurch für andere Nutzer kaum Einarbeitungszeit.
Cons: Aktuell wäre eine Review-Funktion wünschenswert.
Miltenyi Pros: Nutzung von Moving Image für alle Unternehmensfilme, extern und intern
Cons: Das es bisher kein vernünftiges Analytics Tool gab. Soll nun aber ab Mai 2022 folgen
movingimage Secure Enterpris Comprehensive ability to manage all the videos that were and need to be created for the organization, including product and training videos. Product allows for multiple application integrations for video consumption including internal and external knowledgebase as well as a dedicated video portal. Company has a very friendly and communicative culture.
Full capabilities for managing and distributing video content inside and outside the org Comprehensive ability to manage all the videos that were and need to be created for the organization, including product and training videos. Product allows for multiple application integrations for video consumption including internal and external knowledgebase as well as a dedicated video portal. Company has a very friendly and communicative culture.
Moving Image is best in class for global, secure live streamings on the intranet absolutely trustful, extraordinarily fast, truly competent, very secure, technically brilliant and flexible - we had the best experience with the vendor moving Image!!!
movingimage delivers cutting edge enterprise video solutions movingimage has been excellent to work with from the sales process through to implementation. They have been a partner to us throughout the process, delivering what they said they would when they said they would, and our end users are happy with the results of the project.
Our evaluation showed that movingimage secure EVP is the best product on the global market Innovative product, best secure platform in the market for enterprise requirements; fast & continuous deployment; hassle-free setup & deployment; very responsive and professional support. Convincing product vision & roadmap
Only EVP that meets our internal and external video requirements (especially security) We have been a regular customer of the movingimage for 4 years now using the EVP as our main system for online video distribution, for internal purposes like a highly protected video centre for our employees/consultants, as well as for external stakeholders on our webpage. Movingimage understands the high security restrictions of our banking institution very well besides fullfilling our legal and technical requirements regarding complience and and general German and European Data Protection regulations. With a high level of service orientation and profound technical knowledge we appreciate the professional cooperation and movingimage.
Great platform for all use cases, live and on-demand, easy-to-use, seamless and secure We have been using movingimage’s EVP for some years, mainly as a central video platform for our organisation's internal and external communication platforms. We have selected movingimage due to its unique security mechanisms (reaching as far as into the CDN used to distribute the video streams around the globe) and the solution's compliance with current German and European Data Protection regulations.
Our implementation of movingimage went well from the very beginning, and we have increased the number of integrations with our applications such as Corporate Tube and Webcast of Townhalls since then, and we will continue to do so.
With Movingimage we can provide videos to all customers on all end devices. Easy integration into our CMS-System
Easy to use backend for editors.
Very knowledgeable user support.
API enables flexibilty for integration projects We need to bradcasts our videos in several channels. The movingimage EVP with its APIs provides us with the full flexibility to share videos through all our channels. Especially important to us was the mobile upload of videos. The user support response is always fast and solves our requests. The system supports the upload of videos from up to 15,000 soccergames per week which results in up to 7TB of traffic a month on average.
Good customer service and great usability Integration capabilities of the movingimage EVP helped us to roll-out the product in very different environments. The reliable performance of the product helped us to keep the support cases to a minimum.
With the Secure EVP of movingimage, we can make all our internal video content available - Great cooperation when implementing service
- The movingimage EVP's high capacity to be integrated into existing IT landscapes
- Architecture of the platform - we can easily connect it with Microsoft SharePoint
- The integrated OmniCache™ CDN ensures uninterrupted streaming, without overtaxing the network
Platform was completely turn-key and we were up and running within minutes Perfect for any organization where the management and distribution of internal and external marketing videos needs to be as streamlined as possible. The platform's robust collaboration makes our video publishing workflow a well-oiled machine.
Additionally, where the importance of security and access controls are paramount, the platform empowers us to ensure only the right people view the right things.
movingimage was the only platform that was approved by the information security department The movingimage team was supporting us all the way from planning to implementation. As a holding with more than 20 daughter companies the team put a great effort in project management and stakeholder communication.
Great platform for secure video streaming, that meets all our enterprise challenges. Fast go to market. We were looking for a vendor with the ability to manage the security challenges for our internal and external video streaming and video asset management. The ability to co-operate and seemlessly integrate various enterprise frame works like Sharepoint, existing Digital Asset Managements and Authentification Services made our decision easy.